
Our outcomes reflect the resilient, determined, brilliant young people we work with every day.


of Denver Kids students in the class of 2024 graduated high school on-time.


of these graduates are now pursuing postsecondary options, with most being the first in their families to do so.

The Students We Serve

There’s a success story inside every student. It’s our job to remove the barriers that may stand in their way. Doing so with evidence-based programming, compassion and creativity—is the work of Denver Kids.
We don’t see our students as “at risk,” but rather “at potential”—capable of accomplishing anything they dream of, while overcoming circumstances that can make it difficult to prioritize their education.
  • We serve more than 900 students in approximately 90 Denver Public Schools
  • Based on a three year average, 33% of Denver Kids graduates are first generation high school graduates
  • 96% of our students qualify for free or reduced lunch
  • The average age of students who enter our program is 11 years old
  • 95% are students of color
Denver Kids operates at capacity— we have a waiting list for admission into our program. Especially in these uncertain times, the need is greater than ever.